[Wordpress Plugin Update] Better UX for multiple payments

How to update
Update to version 3.6.3 or higher from Wordpress store
Woocommerce doesn’t native support underpayments. Underpayments are a common problem in crypto as exchanges deduct variable amount during withdraw. This commonly leaves both the merchant and customer frustrated. In this update we have added support for multiple payments so that customer can easily pay remaining amount for such orders
Picture Flow

User paid only 991.73USD out of 2000USD order value. He/she gets a clear email to pay remaining amount
Pay link takes user back to payment screen having clear Paid/Remaining amounts

Order Details in Admin (for Merchants) has clear notes about ongoing payments flow

We are always looking forward to hear your feedback. Feel free to get back to us with suggestions/queries.
Multiple payments can be turned on/off via settings

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