What If? Rewriting History! 📜 [Win Exciting Prizes]

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::scroll:: What If? Rewriting History!

Imagine a significant moment in history that could have turned out differently. Now, think of how that change would shape the world today. This is your chance to dive into an alternate reality!

For this contest, we want you to describe a historical event that didn’t go the way it did in our timeline. Your task is to explain that situation in detail and to speculate how the present might look if things had gone differently. It could be a war with a different outcome, a technological breakthrough that happened earlier (or later), or a different leader rising to power.

How to Participate:

  1. Step 1: Pick a key event in history.
  2. Step 2: Change one major outcome or decision in that event. Describe the new, alternate version of history in 300 words or less.
  3. Step 3: Speculate how the present world would look in this new reality.

The most creative, imaginative, and eccentric answer(s) win!

Deadline: 29nd September 2024, 11.59 PM EST.

1 winner,
Prize: $50

Contest Guidelines:

  • All contests must be played within the community thread.
  • Do not copy or refer to answers from the internet.
  • Use of AI is prohibited.
  • Do not share any personal information in the community thread.
  • Only one entry per user.
  • Take into consideration the contest deadline.
  • Please mention your Bitcoin address in your post
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The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914.

Alternate Outcome:
An attempt on the Archduke’s life is prevented. An attempt, if successful, would have triggered World War I. A timely sudden change in travel plans averts the tragedy. Without the catalyst of the assassination, the tensions between European powers is eventually resolved through diplomacy and gradual dissipation.

The subsequent Treaty of Versailles, which imposed harsh terms on Germany and fueled resentment, would not have been signed. The Russian Revolution might not have occurred, as the strains of war and economic hardship that led to it would have been lessened.

Alternate Present:
The 20th century is markedly different. A geopolitical landscape that is less dominated by the major powers that emerged from World War I. The Cold War might never have happened, as the ideological divisions between the Soviet Union and the United States could have been less pronounced.

Technological advancements might have followed a different trajectory. The impetus for rapid innovation often arises from wartime necessity. Without the urgency of global conflict, the pace of technological development might have been slower. However, it is also possible that the absence of war would have allowed for more focused and sustainable development in areas like science, medicine, and environmental protection.

Economically, the world might have experienced a more equitable distribution of wealth and resources. The devastating impact of the Great Depression and World Wars would have been avoided, potentially leading to a more prosperous and stable global economy.

Socially, the world might have been less scarred by the trauma of war and the subsequent political upheavals. Cultural exchange and cooperation could have flourished, leading to a more interconnected and tolerant global society.

My btc address:

What changed: The Federal Reserve was never fohnded.

Result: In a world where the Federal Reserve was never established in 1913, the U.S. economy would likely have experienced greater volatility. Without a central banking system to regulate monetary policy and manage crises, the nation might have faced more severe financial panics and bank failures, leading to a less stable economic environment. The absence of the Fed could have delayed recovery from the Great Depression, as government responses would lack coordination. Additionally, the lack of a central authority may have led to more frequent and severe deflationary periods. By 2024, the economic landscape could be characterized by a patchwork of local currencies and regional banks, with innovation in financial systems driven by necessity but hindered by inconsistent regulations and policies. Ultimately, this divergence might have reshaped America’s role in global finance and its political landscape.

Wallet: bc1qfawcepcjq58t5x395wkn6urgh6f9vu78xl98e8

Nice contest, here’s my favorite alternate history piece, albiet a bit optimistic

The Moon Landing Fails, 1969

On July 20, 1969, as millions wa͏t͏che͏d͏, Neil Arm͏strong prepared ͏to take his ͏l͏egendar͏y step ͏o͏nt͏o͏ the M͏oon’s surface. Bu͏t in ͏this alternate t͏imel͏in͏e, ͏catastrophe strikes. The Lu͏nar͏ Module “Ea͏g͏le” l͏ands on ͏a treach͏erous slope, tipping over and ͏becomi͏n͏g͏ irreparably da͏maged. With ͏commu͏nications͏ fal͏tering and͏ dwindling͏ ox͏ygen, Arms͏trong and ͏Aldrin trag͏ically peris͏h, becoming eternal lunar m͏artyrs͏. The world,͏ instead of celebrating a monumental lea͏p f͏or͏ manki͏nd, is ͏p͏aralyzed by the h͏orror of their loss.
The space rac͏e halts o͏vernight. The U.S., ͏grippe͏d by national mourning an͏d p͏olitical ͏fallo͏ut, aba͏ndon͏s i͏t͏s lunar ambi͏tions. The Sovie͏ts,͏ inspir͏ed͏ by the ͏tragedy, vow͏ to land a cosmonau͏t on the ͏Mo͏on and͏ ͏su͏ccee͏d in 1971. But ͏pu͏b͏lic fascinatio͏n͏ with space quickly fades, as the perce͏ived dangers out͏weig͏h the scientific gains.͏ T͏he Space Age fizzles.

By the 21st ce͏ntu͏ry, humanity’s focus ͏͏shifts awa͏y͏ f͏rom space e͏xpl͏͏o͏ration. Eart͏h-bou͏nd innovations flouris͏h instead,͏ particularl͏y in sustai͏nabl͏e technologies a͏nd AI.͏ Without the s͏pac͏e ͏race’͏s͏͏ ͏co͏mp͏etitiv͏͏e spi͏rit͏, nation͏s colla͏b͏or͏ate m͏ore on environmental͏ cha͏l͏lenge͏s, ͏leading to th͏e adve͏nt of m͏assi͏ve ocean-cleaning ma͏c͏hi͏nes, fus͏͏ion͏-powered citie͏s, ͏and floa͏t͏in͏g carbon-neutral metropoli͏ses b͏y 2024.

Space ͏t͏͏o͏urism remains͏ ͏a m͏ere͏ fantas͏͏y, conf͏in͏ed to t͏he ͏͏r͏͏ealm͏s͏͏ o͏f scienc͏e fict͏ion. Elo͏n͏ M͏usk, inst͏ead of d͏ream͏i͏ng of Mar͏s, focus͏e͏s͏ on devel͏op͏ing͏ hyperloop tunnels c͏risscross͏ing the glob͏e. T͏he concept of living in sp͏a͏c͏e or͏ othe͏r͏ planets is dismissed ͏͏as fo͏ol͏hardy a͏͏fter ͏the 1͏969 l͏unar disaster͏.
To͏d͏ay, ins͏tead of sa͏telli͏t͏es͏͏ orbiting ͏Mars or lunar͏ bases͏,͏ we look ͏u͏p at t͏h͏e sky͏ with a mix͏t͏ure͏ of sor͏row͏ and͏ what-coul͏d-have-bee͏n, whi͏le down o͏n Earth, we’ve built͏͏ utopias, never͏ l͏eavin͏g͏͏ t͏he home͏ planet that once seemed͏ to͏o s͏m͏a͏ll f͏o͏r ou͏r ambiti͏ons͏.

My btc wallet: bc1qg30z6660l8dmy497edgsaf76mq0hklsr86ny54

  • The Event:
    Satoshi Nakamoto never creates Bitcoin, and the whitepaper is never published.

  • Alternate Outcome:
    Without Bitcoin, the concept of decentralized digital currencies fails to gain traction. Governments and banks maintain full control over financial transactions and systems. Peer-to-peer financial systems are never developed.

  • Speculation:
    In this reality, platforms like Ethereum, Blockonomics, DeFi, and NFTs do not exist. People in underbanked or politically unstable regions struggle to access financial services. Online privacy and sovereignty over one’s financial assets remain difficult to achieve. The global economy is still heavily centralized, with large financial institutions dictating terms. Moreover, innovation in blockchain technology is delayed, limiting the development of transparent and efficient systems across industries like supply chain, healthcare, and voting systems.


.Event in history:
The Cuban missile crisis of 1962, where the united states and the soviet union came to the brink of nuclear war, but ultimately, diplomacy prevailed.

.Change one major outcome or decision:
In this alternate reality, John F Kennedy, advised by his military commanders, decides to launch a pre-emptive strike on soviet missile sites in Cuba. The soviet union retaliates swiftly, triggering a full-scale nuclear war.

.Alternate vision of history:
October 1962: The united states bombs Cuban missile installations, sparking an immediate soviet counterattack. Major American and soviet cities, including Washington, New York, Moscow, and Leningrad, are obliterated within hours. The world is plunged into a nuclear winter as dust clouds choke the atmosphere, blocking sunlight and halting agricultural production.

The post-war world is a fractured, dystopian landscape. Surviving nations are scattered and isolated, banding together in loosely organized city-states, ruled by military commanders and warlords. Global communication networks collapse, and with no central government or modern infrastructure, society regresses to a pre-industrial state. The United Nations never recovers; in its place, a network of underground councils known as the “shadow congress” emerges, operation clandestinely to rebuild international cooperation.

Technological advancement are delayed by centuries. The space race haits entirely, and humanity does not reach the moon. What little remain of scientific knowledge is closely guarded by secretive societies, now worshipped as techno-priests by a desperate populace.

. Speculate on the present:
In 2024, Earth is still gripped by the aftermath of nuclear devastation. The population is sparse, concentrated in small, radiation-shielded enclaves. Without the internet or modern communication system, cultural exchanges are rare, and many region are locked in constant conflict. Nation as we know them no longer exist. Resources are scarce, and scavenging old war zones for pre-war technology is a dangerous but lucrative trade. The world is fragmented, a relic of what it could have been had cooler heads prevailed in 1962.


The discovery of Penicillin in 1928

Change: What if Alexander Fleming never notices the antibacterial properties in penicillin or his discovery is overlooked or not further developed. This would have immediate consequences since antibiotics would not be introduced into medical practice in the early 20th century.

Alternate Outcome: One of the direct consequences is that bacterial infections would remain the leading cause of death in this era and common infections that could be easily treated with a regular antibiotic pill or syrup today would remain life threatening.

Also, since the discovery of penicillin impacted the World War 2 and Post-war era, saving thousands of soldiers from dying of infection, the casualties recorded from the impact of the war would be significantly higher and many soldiers would succumb to tetanus, sepsis etc, without the help of antibiotics. This would also affect the economic development of the Post-war era as further development may be hindered by the health crisis. This may mean a series of dangerous disease outbreaks that could affect the baby boom and economic expansion in the West.

Alternate Future: This would have an effect on the world’s advancements as well. Without antibiotics and with the world fast becoming a global village and the rise in tourism, there would likewise be surges in communicable diseases like cholera, tuberculosis and pandemic outbreaks would be even more disastrous in it’s mortality rate with no antibiotics to assist in faster recovery. Some common themes seen worldwide would be public health crisis, the lack of or late economic setbacks and use of traditional medicine to cure illnesses. Yes traditional medicinal methods and treatments would be popular but may not be fast or effective enough to combat the fast spread of stronger and more contagious diseases.

Eventually, antibiotics could be discovered, although major consequences from its absence has already weakened the population, economy and possibly the future generations. Medical advancements would be slower, and we could be living in a world with a shorter life expectancy, less globalization due to the spread of common infections and economic strain on poorer nations.
Scientists would eventually come up with alternative treatments, vaccines and emphasis on strict, possibly government enforced public healthcare regulations like washing hands, sanitations etc. to reduce infections.

My btc address: bc1pmefla9fzvc5jq0vqmx9hvk65plz2p8zm3anle5hw2pyg8uf592ws7qk7xc

Pick a key event in history
Creation of Bitcoin, a decentralized cryptocurrency by Satoshi Nakamato in 2009.
Change one major outcome or decision in that event
Satoshi Nakamato decided not to be anonymous, but a citizen of U.S and a politician.
The Alternate version of the history
In the year 2012, 3 years after the creation of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamato became not only the creator of Bitcoin, but also a public figure in America who decided to run for the president as a result of his belief that bitcoin could birth economic freedom.
Satoshi spread his message of decentralization to the whole Americans, through his campaign which focused on making bitcoin a legal tender in the US, also running a transparent and decentralized government of the people and by the people with the help of Blockchain technology.
Upon winning the presidency, Satoshi’s major implementations were;
[] Implementation of a decentralized voting system based on blockchain technology, where each citizen will have a secure digital ID which allow the people vote from anywhere in the world.
] Introduction of a decentralized decision making system. With the help of smart contracts, citizens could fund community projects, propose legislation and more through the transparent and secure blockchain.
By the end of Satoshi’s tenure, the impact of his presidency became evident. Bitcoin became a legal tender in US, vote turnup increased, many citizens who lost confidence in the government renewed their connection thereby making American great again.
How the present world will look
The success of Satoshi Nakamoto’s government in US would trigger the whole world. This will result in global adoption of Bitcoin not only as a currency but also as a technology. In 2024, many countries must have modelled their government to that of America. The new era of political participation driven by bitcoin technology, the quest for liberty and the belief that power belongs to the people and not to a selected few will be birthed.