Story Time :✍️: [Win Exiting Prizes]

Welcome Fellow Community Members to our long-awaited September Contest, your one-stop place for you to win exciting prizes. :tada:

We want to give our lovely community members a fun and enjoyable way to win some bitcoin. Check out the contest below:

:coral:: Under The Sea!

Task: Read the story below and continue it for 200-300 words more.

There have been many tales and myths surrounding the primordial seas that enveloped the island kingdom of Abyssak but none more mysterious than the story narrated by the high priest of the kingdom, Luminara. He recalls the tale of a powerful glowing orb that harnessed the power of these seas. The orb was said to be immensely powerful containing the secrets of the many universes, making its bearer the ruler of the seas, land, and the sky.

For centuries this orb lays hidden in the depths of the seas guarded by 5 headed serpent dragons. None knew where this orb was hidden, even the underwater realm of Kaelis, a race of bioluminescent beings, spent years traversing the very depths of the seas in search of the orb but to no gain.

One night a blinding bright light appears in the dark hours of the night sky and turns the entire sky bright emerald blue. The king of Abyssak, deep asleep, wakes up and walks to the balcony of his room. What he sees next sends a sharp shiver down his spine.

continue… … … … … .

The most creative, imaginative, and original answer(s) win! You are free to take the story in any direction you see fit.

Deadline: 15th September 2024, 11.59 PM EST.

1 winner,
Prize: $50

Contest Guidelines:

  • All contests must be played within the community thread.
  • Do not copy or refer to answers from the internet.
  • Use of AI is prohibited.
  • Do not share any personal information in the community thread.
  • Only one entry per user.
  • Take into consideration the contest deadline.
  • Please mention your Bitcoin address in your post

Edit: Thank you all for participating.

Winner Announced :trophy:: @jenniexcx

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“How did he find me?” screamed Abyssak, panic gripping his heart. The king stared at the emerald-blue sky, knowing the light could mean only one thing—the orb, lost for centuries, had been found. But who had uncovered the secret guarded so fiercely by the five-headed serpent dragons?

Abyssak’s thoughts whirled, his grip tightening on the ancient scepter at his side, its tip faintly glowing in resonance with the light above. Suddenly, a deep voice echoed in his mind, a voice he had not heard for centuries—the voice of Maralus, the ocean spirit.

“It is not he who finds you, King of Abyssak, but you who have been summoned,” Maralus whispered. “The orb awakens, and with it, the fate of all realms.”

Realization struck Abyssak. The orb was more than a powerful relic; it was a living entity, calling across the seas and skies. Whoever held it now was chosen, just as he had been, to face the forces lying beneath the waves.

The light grew brighter, the blue deepening to a blinding sapphire. Abyssak knew that the time had come to act.

“Prepare the fleet!” he ordered, determination filling his voice. “We sail tonight.”

The sea was calling, and Abyssak would answer.


As the king of Abyssak gazed at the sky, the emerald light coalesced into a massive, swirling vortex. From within the vortex, a shadowy figure began to emerge, draped in a cloak that shimmered with the colors of the deep ocean. The figure hovered above the kingdom, holding a staff crowned with a miniature version of the glowing orb - its light pulsing in rhythm with the distant roar of the sea.

The king, paralyzed by a mix of awe and fear, watched as the figure spoke in a voice that echoed through the valleys and mountains of Abyssak. “I am the sentinel of the orb, keeper of the primordial seas. The time of slumber is over, and the orb shall rise again”.

With a sweep of the sentinel’s staff, the emerald light burst forth, engulfing the entire kingdom in its radiance. The waters surrounding Abyssak began to churn violently, rising in towering waves as if the sea itself were awakening from a long, deep sleep. From the depths, the five - headed serpent dragons that guarded the orb surged forth, their scales glowing with an eerie luminescent.

The king fell to his knees, overwhelmed by the sight. As the dragons circled the kingdom, the sentinel descended, landing softly on the palace balcony. The king could how see the sentinel’s face - ancient, yet strangely familiar, as if he had seen it in the frescoes of the old temples.

“The orb’s power is not to be claimed, but to be returned”, the sentinel declared, their eyes locking onto the king’s. “For within its light lies not just the power of the seas, but the balance of all realms. The time has come to restore what was lost”.

Suddenly, the vortex in the sky began to contract, pulling in the emerald light along with the sentinel and the serpent dragons. The sea calmed, and the kingdom was left in darkness, save for a single glowing point on the horizon - the orb, rising from the depths, casting a beacon of light that signaled the dawn of a new age in Abyssak.


“I cant believe this!” The king yelled out as he witnessed a miraculous transformation. The once chaotic serpent dragon is now peacefully guarding a glowing orb, the source of the emerald light that fills the clouds. The orb chooses the king as its wielder, bestowing destiny upon him with immense power and purpose. The king accepts his chosen fate, vowing to use the orb wisely for the good of his people. The dragon becomes his loyal companion, and the king’s legend as the Orb-Keeper is born, a testament to courage, wisdom, and the extraordinary bond between man and beast. And now a vision of the future unfolded before his very eyes, that dropped him to his knees and a single tear raced down his cheek: a harmonious kingdom, where people and creatures lived in peace, united by the orb’s gentle glow. With newfound determination, the king vowed to protect and nurture the orb, ensuring that its light would guide his kingdom towards a brighter future the the rest of existence… Until he heard a voice coming from cloud, and another from deep beneath the cracks in the cobblestone as they grew bigger… Who will get the best of the king and his new perfect kingdom


“This must be a dream…” he mumbled in disbelief.

As true as the day, however, the figure of a merwoman, scales aglow in a brilliant blinding light descended as though from the heavens above. The diadem on her head matched her piercing blue eyes, and the sea and sky seemed to pulse with her every movement.

"Sirena! My goddess—” the King exclaimed, falling in obeisance to the bare ground, his voice trembling with awe and fear.

“Rise, noble one of Luminara.” Her melodic voice lilted, a hush falling upon the tiny Kingdom. Fishermen docking their boats nearby gasped and fell to the muddy ground, trembling at the sight of their deity. “Now is not the time to gravel.”

“Of course not, great one,” the King acceded, dusting the mud from his robe.

“Your heart seeks that which no mortal has seen, great King,” the woman said, a knowing smile on her elegant lips, “I will grant the desires of your heart.” She opened her palm and a map appeared out of thin air.

By now, the guards in the balcony of the King’s room seemed to be in a trance, bowing low with eyes faded to white but the King took no notice, eyes transfixed on the goddess’ open palm.

“The map of the entire ocean,” she continued, a teasing tune to her voice, “not one mortal has seen an authentic copy before, until now.”

The king trembled with want, palms itching to snatch the map from her. Sirena could feel his desire consume him, raw and greedy, it filled her with glee. All was according to plan, at last. She smiled darkly.

“It is guaranteed to lead you to the deepest parts of the ocean, that which no one, not even the Kaelis has reached,” she said, “If you study it well. However, no good deed comes without a price. You would do whatever I tell you to.”

“Without question, my goddess.”

The king would do whatever it took to find the orb, even pledging his allegiance to the daughter of the unknown seas.


The king stood frozen, his breath catching in his throat as he gazed at the night sky. The emerald blue light shimmered across the heavens like waves on the surface of a still sea. In the heart of the light, a shape began to form—a silhouette, a being with wings that spanned the horizon. It wasn’t a creature of legend or nightmare, but something beyond imagination. Its wings, translucent and ever-changing, seemed to pulse with the energy of the very orb that had been hidden away for centuries.

Suddenly, the light shifted, and the figure descended. The land quaked beneath the weight of its presence, the sea began to churn violently, and the winds howled through the kingdom. The five-headed serpents that guarded the orb had been disturbed. From the waters of the Abyssak Sea, the serpents rose, their massive forms cutting through the waves like living mountains. Their eyes, glowing with the same emerald light, locked onto the figure in the sky.

Luminara sensed the disturbance from the temple atop Mount Erydon. He knelt in silent meditation, his mind racing with the ancient prophecies. The orb had been found—or worse, it had awoken. And now, the balance of power was shifting, not just in Abyssak but across the realms.
The king, gripped by fear, stumbled back into his chambers. The words of an ancient seer echoed in his mind: “When the sky burns emerald, the bearer will rise. But beware, for not all who seek the orb do so for the light.”

He knew then that whatever was coming, it would bring either salvation or destruction, and the line between them had never been so thin.


Bilumira’s heart raced against his ribs as the dazzling light went away, leaving the room in silence. He gingerly went onto the balcony, feeling the cool night breeze sweep over him. The sky was a painting of whirling, iridescent hues, a heavenly beauty unlike any he had ever seen. But the ocean actually captured him.

The once-calm waters had transformed into a chaotic, swirling mass of energy. Massive, bioluminescent animals broke through the surface, their bodies gleaming like lanterns, their roars booming throughout the night. It was as if the ocean had come alive, a symphony of light and sound that filled Bilumira with astonishment and amazement.

Bilumira down the steps and made his way to the shore, intrigued. The sand felt warm beneath his bare feet, and the regular crash of waves on the coast calmed his anxiety. He stood at the edge of the river, transfixed by the breathtaking sight.

Suddenly, a shimmering sphere appeared from the depths, its brightness penetrating the darkness. It floated above the water, pulsing gently. Bilumira put out a hand, drawn to its ethereal beauty, and felt a warm electric current flow through him. The sphere appeared to respond, its light intensifying as it encircled him in a cocoon of radiant energy.

After the light faded, Bilumira found himself on a vast, crystalline platform. The ocean had transformed into a shimmering, kaleidoscopic world, teeming with exotic creatures and vibrant coral reefs. He was surrounded by a chorus of ethereal voices singing in a language he did not understand. A sense of peace washed over him as he realised he was no longer alone. He was part of a greater cosmic harmony that connected all living things.


There were high, ferocious waves crashing down the islands periphery. A sudden thunderstorm has been brewing in the night sky, a scene never seen before by the people of Abyssak and the King himself. Everyone was out on the streets, the children being held tightly by their mothers, who had a look of deep concern on their faces. The men looked desperately at the glowing night sky in search of answers.

Then suddenly, a large foreshadow of a being appeared in the night sky. The being drew closer and closer to the island, until he was visible to the people of Luminara. With bright blue eyes and a long beard that swayed in the strong wind of the seas, it was Poseidon himself.

The people of Luminara were taken aback by his presence; they had no idea who he was until a high temple priest shouted from the city square, “All hail, the Lord of the Seas, the ruler of the seven kingdoms, Poseidon.” King Abyssak was fully aware of his identity, but he had no idea why he was there.

Then there was a loud, thunderous voice, followed by constant lightning. Poseidon tells the people of Abyssak not to be afraid of him; he is here to offer peace. Allow your King to lead the way for you all.
The King was not particularly pleased with his words. Then Poseidon approached the King of Abyssak’s balcony. He says, “You do not seem pleased to see me.” The King responded, “Well, you are not a carrier of something good yourself.” Poseidon smirked and said, “I have been summoned by the realm of Kaelis to retrieve the Orb, which has been lost in the seas.” I know the secret to the Orb’s location lies beneath the kingdom of Luminara."

The King of Abyssak was shocked by Poseidon’s demand and said, “How dare you try to lay your hands on something so sacred, We will never allow this.” This made Poseidon chuckle up and say, “You are no one to stand before me.” To this, the King of Abyssak responded, “Maybe not us, but the Hydra (5-headed serpent dragon) will!” This enraged Poseidon and caused him to yell, “KRAKENN!”

A sea octopus-like creature the size of a mountain emerged from the seas and began devouring the Kingdom of Luminara.

To be continued.
