[Product Update] Merchant Replies and Review Moderation — Keeping Ecommerce Ecosystem Healthy

[Product Update] Merchant Replies and Review Moderation — Keeping Ecommerce Ecosystem Healthy

Frauds and chargebacks are inherent problem in bitcoin ecosystem due to non reversible nature of transactions. It is important to keep…

Merchant Replies and Review Moderation — Keeping Ecommerce Ecosystem Healthy

Frauds and chargebacks are inherent problem in bitcoin ecosystem due to non reversible nature of transactions. It is important to keep customers safe from fradulent merchants or alteast give them enough data so that they can make informed choices on what merchants to transact with

Our system already displays customer reviews and rating of each seller based on consolidated reviews. Each customer who buys a product gets a unique review link. The system still has loopholes, the merchant can still take the funds and refuse to deliver the product (blockonomics doesn’t escrow funds)! However having a review system does incentivize honesty in longer term.

Recently, we have received complaints from merchants about customers putting abusive reviews. Some reviews have also leaked confidential product information. Thus it is also important to maintain some moderation on customer reviews and let merchant reply to the review.

Merchants can now reply and flag reviews

Opening review page will show merchant option to flag/replyFlagging is meant to remove abusive / confidential data and not a means to settle dispute

When a merchant flags a review our team will review this and approve/disapprove the flag in a period of one week.

It bitcoin e-commerce transactions are peer to peer and thus problems in frauds detection arise. It is responsibility of both customers and merchants to be honest to improve reliability of the ecosystem. Review and replies are a positive step in this direction

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://insights.blockonomics.co/product-update-merchant-replies-and-review-moderation-keeping-ecommerce-ecosystem-healthy-cfabd1fea870/