I have available balance in blockonomic how can I withdraw it

my account was on hold because it was asking for a bill to pay so the payments I received that time got stuck to blockonmics didn’t go to my exodus now how can I withdraw that money

Hi @ptouseef1, please make sure that bill is paid in full. Once you bill is paid, your account would automatically be enabled and your customers would be able to pay via Bitcoin using Blockonomics plugin once again. While your account is disabled, your linked blockonomics plugin doesn’t work and customers can’t see any bitcoin address to send payment to.
However, if you are missing funds from a certain payment/transaction please share the Transaction ID with us so that we can help you track those missing funds.
If you are still having issues or have any other questions feel free to reach out to us at our Help Desk: https://help.blockonomics.co/

at blockonomics it says my account has been disabled… but when trying to pay with BTC on my site it still shows an address and amount…
does it still work?

I am in the process of paying the fees, but need to green list the blockonomics btc address first, so will take 24 hours to pay…