Blockonomics API does not work corretly to different declared amount of money

When I put a different amount of BTC to pay a invoice I would look forward to see anything like a denied transaction but the API is working normal with an wrong value. Is it a bug in the API or I need to improve some resource to deny different values from the officials ones?

Hi @fighterscamp, welcome to our community. Can you please share the API endpoints and workflow you have setup, so we have a better understanding of what issue you are facing and how we can help you resolve it.

I will give some scope about the workflow:
1- I my account in Blockonomics there are many parent products recorded, for example: video#1, video#2, video#3, etc. Each one has a value, a description, and a key (uid). In my local database I have the same data and I use it to create a new order throughout API. Everything works perfectly and I get the link to the user makes the payment.
2- And in my Blockonomics account I set the Underpayment Slack in 0%, so I am looking forward to the Blockonomics system could block non exactly amounts, but it does not. For example, if I pay 0.0005BTC where the QRcode wishes 0.0009BTC, the Blockonomics system continues the procceding and conclues the transaction transfering 0.0005BTC minus fees.
3- I can note that the variable in website about Underpayment Slack has no role to filtering wrong values.
4- I have tested as in the website simulator as in real payment, both the Blocknomics Link payment permited wrong values.